e-book 贈呈(アドレス、ID、PW は上映劇場・ご入場時にお渡しします)。
地域 | 劇場 | 公開日 | 電話番号 | 前売 |
東京 TOKYO | ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷 | 2014.2.22(土)~3.14(金) | 03-5468-5551 | 発売 ※限定先着めんこ付 |
神奈川 KANAGAWA | 横浜シネマ・ジャック&ベティ | 2014.3.29(土)~ | 045-243-9800 | 発売 ※限定先着めんこ付 |
大阪 OSAKA | テアトル梅田 | 2014.4.12(土)~4.18(金) | 06-6359-1080 | 発売 ※限定先着めんこ付 |
京都 KYOTO | 京都シネマ | 2014.4.12(土)~4.18(金) | 075-353-4723 | 発売 ※限定先着めんこ付 |
北海道 HOKKAIDO | 札幌シアターキノ | 2014.4.26(土)~5.2(金) | 011-231-9355 | 発売 ※2回券 ※限定先着めんこ付 |
愛知 AICHI | 伏見ミリオン座 | 2014.5.17(土)~5.23(金) | 052-212-2437 | 発売 ※限定先着めんこ付 |
兵庫 HYOGO | 神戸アートビレッジセンター | 2014.5.17(土)~ 5.23(金) | 078-512-5353 | 発売 ※限定先着めんこ付 |
沖縄 OKINAWA | 桜坂劇場 | 2014.7.5(土)~7.11(金) | 098-860-9555 | |
福岡 FUKUOKA | 中洲大洋映画劇場 | 2014.7.12(土)~7.18(金) | 092-291-4058 | |
石川 ISHIKAWA | 金沢シネモンド | 2014.7.20(日)&24(木) | 076-220-5007 | 発売 ※2回券 ※限定先着めんこ付 |
岡山 OKAYAMA | シネマクレール | 2014.7.26(土)~7.28(月) | 086-231-0019 | |
広島 HIROSHIMA | サロンシネマ | 2014.8.16(土)~8.19(火) | 082-241-1781 | |
新潟 NIIGATA | 新潟シネ・ウインド | 2014.9.27(土)~ | 025-243-5530 | |
長野 NAGANO | 松本市民美術館多目的ホールby松本CINEMAセレクト | 2014.10.26(日)10:00~/11:30~ | 0263-98-4928 | |
宮城 MIYAGI | 仙台短編映画祭2014 | 2014.11.1(土)17:00~ | 080-3146-6085 |
地域 | 場所 | 日時 | 内容 |
宮城 MIYAGHII | せんだいメディアテーク 7Fスタジオ | 2014/11.1(土)17:00の回 | 水江未来監督来場 |
宮城 MIYAGHII | せんだいメディアテーク 7Fスタジオ | 2014/11.1(土)~11.3(祝・月) | 水江未来イラストレーション&コラボ・ファッション展 |
広島 HIROSHIMA | サロンシネマ | 2014/8/22(土)19:00の回『変態アニメーションナイト2014』上映終了後 | 水江未来監督×土居伸彰氏(『変態~』作品選定) |
愛知 AICHI | 伏見ミリオン座 | 2014/5/18(日)19:20の回上映開始前 | 2日目舞台挨拶:水江未来監督 |
兵庫 HYOGO | 神戸アートビレッジセンター | 2014/5/17(土) | 初日トーク:和田淳氏(アニメーション作家)×水江未来監督 |
北海道 HOKKAIDO | 札幌シアターキノ | 2014/4/26(土) | 初日舞台挨拶:水江未来監督 |
京都 KYOTO | 京都シネマ | 2014/4/13(日)19:10の回 上映前 | 2日目舞台挨拶:水江未来監督 |
大阪 OSAKA | テアトル梅田 | 2014/4/12(土)上映終了後 | 初日舞台挨拶:水江未来監督 |
神奈川 KANAGAWA | 横浜シネマ・ジャック&ベティ | 2014/3/30(日)18:40の回 上映終了後 | 2014/3/30(日)18:40の回 上映終了後 公開記念トーク:石川浩司さん(パスカルズ)×水江未来監督) |
神奈川 KANAGAWA | 横浜シネマ・ジャック&ベティ | 2014/3/29(土)18:40の回 上映終了後 | WONDER35ミリフィルム特別上映
公開記念トーク:水江未来監督×大山慶さん(アニメーション作家/CALF) |
東京 TOKYO | ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷 | 2014/3/9(日)10:10の回 | 飛入り舞台挨拶:水江未来監督 |
東京 TOKYO | ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷 | 2014/3/7(金)21:30の回 | トーク#6:松江哲明さん(ドキュメンタリー監督)×水江未来監督 |
東京 TOKYO | ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷 | 2014/3/5(水)21:30の回 | トーク#5:松本亨さん(元Psysalia Psyche)×水江未来監督 |
東京 TOKYO | ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷 | 2014/3/1(土)21:30の回 | トーク#4:トクマルシューゴさん(音楽家)×水江未来監督 |
東京 TOKYO | ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷 | 2014/2/28(金)21:20の回 | トーク#3:ぬQさん(漫画、絵画、アニメーション作家)×水江未来監督 |
東京 TOKYO | ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷 | 2014/2/26(水)21:20の回 | トーク#2:kawala山本昌義さん(ファッションデザイナー)×水江未来監督 |
東京 TOKYO | ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷 | 2014/2/22(土)~トークイベント開催日 | 追加特別上映:WONDER ベルリン映画祭上映素材( DCP 5.1ch) |
東京 TOKYO | ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷 | 2014/2/22(土)~ | kawala「未来と遊ぶ展」 |
東京 TOKYO | ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷 | 2014/2/22(土)~ | FRAMED* TATAMP EXTENSION 特別展示 |
東京 TOKYO | ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷 | 2014/2/22(土) | 初日舞台挨拶:水江未来監督 |
東京 TOKYO | ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷 | 12/21(土)、12/23(月・祝)12:50~13:20 12/28(土)、12/29(日)11:40~12:10 2014/3/9(土) 11:35 |
細胞マネキン・ライブペインティング |
東京 TOKYO | ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷 | 12/20(金)~2014/2/28(金) | 水江未来イラストレーション展 |
Mizue’s works have been screened and judged at many international film festivals and he continues to forge the future of the Japanese independent animation scene. Since 2002, he has been creating abstract animations, known as his 'cell animations', in which cell structures form the central motif.
In 2011, Modern No.2 was nominated to the Orizzonti section at the Venice Film Festival and to the Spectrum section at the Rotterdam International Film Festival, enthralling audiences with its vivid colors and dynamic, delicate movements synchronized with music. In 2012, Modern No.2 won the SACEM Award for Original Music Prize at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival, the world’s biggest animation festival. With his vast experience and boundless energy, Mizue is in his prime as a filmmaker.
In "WONDER FULL!!", a film that Mirai selected and joined some films from his works himself will be screened.
Getting this pleasant opportunity to show many of my films first time, I take into account of the order, music and screen size of my works since 2003 to make those like one long-animation film. I believe it will help you to enjoy and understand all films naturally and smoothly.
(As life and death is never-ending and have existed since extremely long time ago, it is probably just one tiny piece what I can feel.)
Our body is composed of over 60 trillion cells.
Surprisingly, it is way much more than the number of all stars in the solar system. Needless to say, each of our cells is alive and both life and death take place for each cell again and again and again until our lives will end.
The world is always full of WONDER.
If you feel wonder, miracle, surprise, and a mass of happiness through my masterpiece, I am very much satisfied.
Mirai Mizue
From Apr. 1st, 2012 to Mar. 31st, 2013, Mirai Mizue had announced one-second hand drawing animation through making it moved by scanning to Laptop on a daily basis; 365 pieces of hand drawing had been announced for 12 months.
After this one-year-experimental campaign, PASCALS gave those 365 published pieces music, and finally WONDER was born.
Is this cell? Some kinds of microorganism? Or extraterrestrial being?
Living organism sticks together and draws apart or numbers up and down.
Mirai Mizue’s long-awaited film WONDER is now screened.
We went for it without any hesitation. We’ve formed the world at a quickening pace. What on earth is this world that we have created?
The sound is piled up. The image is piled up as well.
Before long, the screen becomes chaotic.
Made by a frame-by-frame shooting of ink streaming on the surface of water.,/
This animation is Mirai Mizue’s debut film.
The birth of 'cell animations’.
This film was requested from the Seoul International Cartoon And Animation Festival, and produced for the appeal of Seoul City, South Korea.
Each living object has its own sound.a Thus the sounds varied when there are more living objects. It becomes chaotic, and at the same time, melodic.
An expression of a chaotic world.
A mixture of different techniques.Graduation film.
The hexahedron keeps changing shape.
Besides, anything doesn't happen.
The tale of the Biblical Adam and Eve is used as the motif in this anthropomorphic phantasmagoria of animated images.
Various dinners made with different living things...
A subjective view of an UFO. Shot frame-by-frame along the Tama River.
An improvisation that combines several images: the innocent world-view of a child, the continuousness of life, order and chaos, unity and division and the real streaming world.
It is born. It dies. They repeat. The mandala of a life. Hypnotic patterns by Mirai Mizue for Toru Matsumoto’s And And.
He was born in Tokyo, 1981. People around him was surprised by his drawing a perfect circle when he was three.
He started making animation by himself when someone told him that his illustrations looked like it was moving
in his study at the Department of Graphic Design, Tama Art University.
His high quality pictures that he drew by hand on paper and his method to make animation by computer with
scanning all papers with his original drawings attract people beyond the border or stereotyped animation.
His first work "FANTASTIC CELL"(2003) debuted on the world stage after received recommendation of the jury
at Japan Media Arts Festival.
The short animated films he made has been always beloved around the world.
His graduation film "LOST UTOPIA"(2007) has screened over eighty film festivals in the world.
In 2011, "MODEERN NO.2" was screened in the Orizzonti section of the Venice International Film Festival,
and he became the first Japanese who received SACEM Award(an award for best music)
at Annecy International Animation Film Festival in the next year.
Director : Mirai Mizue Produce : Shuma Hirose Ad & Pub Advisor : Keiko Kusakabe DCP : Makotoya Co.,Ltd./Silk Purse Enterprises